Downloads & Streams

Downloads & Streams

Please select from the following downloads. If you cannot download a given document, it may be available to members only (and it will therefore be listed in grey). This includes all examination resources. Please log in to see the full list of documents, or click here for more information about joining the RCO.

In addition to the miscellaneous examination resources available for members to download from this page, further resources for candidates can be found on the Purchase Past Papers page.

Website material previously announced in the RCO Journal and uploaded to this webpage on the topics of Buxtehude and Claviorgans has been moved to the Academic Resources page in the Library area of this website. You will also find the RCO Journal available to download at the same location.

Examination Resources

RCO Manuscript paper
St Barnabas, Dulwich piston setting sheet
16 stave MS paper (for DipCHD candidates)
Guidance Sheet, ARCO, Advice on Regulations from July 2016
Guidance Sheet, FRCO, Advice on Regulations from July 2017
Examination application form
Diploma Examinations, Reading List (2018)
CAM application form
Fugue - A Practical Introduction for Students, Curror and Stocken (2020)
Guidance Sheet, ARCO 2024-2025, Paper II Q3, Historical Studies
Guidance Sheet, ARCO 2024-2025, Paper II Q4, Set Work(s)
Guidance Sheet, FRCO 2024-2025, Paper II Q3, Set Work(s)
Guidance Sheet, FRCO 2024-2025, Paper II Q4, Historical Studies
Guidance Sheet, CRCO 2024-2025, Written Paper Q3, Historical and Repertoire Studies
Guidance on FRCO Quick Study (Regulations from Summer 2024)
Guidance Sheet, FRCO, Written Paper II, Q1 (Aural Perception), extracts from 2001
Guidance Sheet, FRCO, Organ Performance, Quick Study, extracts from 2024

Audio & Visual Streams

General Downloads
Examination Resources
RCO Academy
Audio & Visual Streams