Courses and Classes

Courses, Classes & Events | Overview

Through RCO Academy we deliver educational opportunities for organists and choral directors of every age and level of attainment, with an extensive programme of study days, workshops, courses and classes.

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Regular features of our annual programme include:


All players are welcome at our three-hour RCO Academy classes, regardless of age or aspiration: you don’t have to be a member of the RCO, or be having lessons with an RCO Academy accredited teacher. Most sessions are limited to 6 active participants to maximise hands-on tuition; when a class is full we may sometimes take observers, hold a waiting list or run a second event depending on circumstances (with observers paying a reduced fee).

Residential courses

Among our multi-day courses with residential options are our acclaimed summer events - the RCO Academy Summer Course for organists of all ages and abilities, and The Organ Scholar Experience (TOSE). Our annual Easter Course offers comprehensive tuition for RCO organ playing examinations together with repertoire-based study for players already of diploma standard.

For young musicians

We run a broad range of events and courses aimed at supporting young musicians from their very first experiences with the organ. The Find Your Feet and Build Your Skills residential courses often run in parallel, the former offering early-stage organists and pianists the chance to try the organ, the latter giving teenage organists grade 5 to 8 the chance to build style and technique. The one-day Raise your Game events are for young organists from beginner upwards, offering teaching in graded groups with a focus on contrasting areas of organ repertoire.

For prospective organ scholars

Our support for prospective organ scholars and other teenage musicians looking to take their musicianship to the next level is built around our annual The Organ Scholar Experience (TOSE), a six-day event which takes place in the summer holidays. This is complemented by the one-day Set Your Sights events, giving potential scholars further coaching in repertoire, playing and choral directing and accompaniment.

For adult organists & choral directors

We offer a broad range of events throughout the year for adult organists and choral directors of all ages, levels of experience and ambition. Alongside the one-day, residential and exam-focused courses, our popular three-hour classes offer a huge breadth of learning opportunities.

For those studying towards College examinations or accreditation

Events include regular exam study workshops, as well as longer residential events such as the annual Easter Course.

Class Levels

The following key is used to provide a guide to the level and suitability of classes.

Beginner: Grades 1–4

Intermediate: Grades 4–6

Advanced: Grades 6–8; CRCO

Diploma 1: CRCO–ARCO

Diploma 2: ARCO–FRCO

All standards


If you have a question about any of our courses or classes, please e-mail the College at

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"I don't know what you did at the Raise Your Game! day, but my student has been TRANSFORMED into an organist!"

"All this as the result of one day under your influence! I am absolutely amazed at the difference."