Blast Off! Dan Moult unleashes an explosion of organ sound

Blast Off! Dan Moult unleashes an explosion of organ sound

On Saturday 13th May Nottingham Cathedral will host Blast It! - an illuminating, myth-busting afternoon designed to introduce new players and interested listeners (teachers, parents, family) to the fascinating and accessible world of the organ.

This eye- and ear-opening introduction, arranged by the Royal College of Organists, is for anyone who thinks that the organ:
• couldn’t possibly be fun
• is only ever used to accompany hymns
• is only played by church musicians
• is too difficult to learn
• can’t be played by children.

Dan Moult, communicator, educator and organist par excellence, will blow away all these – and other – misconceptions and demonstrate some of the endless possibilities of this most versatile and rewarding instrument.

Blast Off! runs from 15:00 to 17:30 on Saturday 13 May at St Barnabas Cathedral, North Circus Street, Nottingham NG1 5AE.

People of all ages are welcome, whether players or non-players.

If you’ve ever wanted to know more about the organ then come along and prepare yourself for a multi-sensory challenge. There is no charge for young people aged 15 and under: to reserve a free place contact Robert Gower (email or telephone 05603 488231.

The charge for those aged 16 and over is £5. Places should be booked online at While it will be possible to pay on the door, booking in advance enables the organisers to tailor the event to the numbers attending.

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