RCO Director Philip Meaden to retire in 2018

RCO Director Philip Meaden to retire in 2018

Royal College of Organists Director Philip Meaden has announced his intention to retire in 2018.

Philip joined the College in 2014, postponing his planned retirement to take up the newly-formed post of Director.

During four years with the College he has played a pivotal role in re-shaping the organisation, developing and implementing a new strategic vision in the wake of 2014’s successful 150th anniversary celebrations.

Philip Meaden said: “It has been a real privilege to have had the opportunity to play a part in the RCO's development over the past four years.

“Both the governance and the management teams have been a pleasure to work with, and the College is fortunate to have such able and dedicated people at its heart.

“As a result of their efforts, membership numbers are growing, the education offer is developing rapidly online and across the country, and the finances are healthy.

“The College is indeed well-placed to exploit the many opportunities that exist, and I look forward to continuing to support its work as both a Member and an RCO Anniversary Circle supporter.”

Philip Meaden joined the College from his previous role as Principal and Managing Director of Leeds College of Music. Throughout his career he has served in senior leadership roles with a wide variety of musical and educational organisations including Morley College London, Trinity College of Music (now Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance), Benslow Music Trust, and the New London Music Society. He has served variously as Chair, Vice Chair, Company Secretary, Trustee and/or Director for several musical charities and companies, and is both a long-standing Member and a Fellow of the RCO.

Having studied organ at the Royal Academy of Music and Goldsmiths' College, Philip still performs as a concert organist and is Associate Organist at Leeds Cathedral.

RCO Chairman of Trustees, Lord Glenarthur said: “Philip has been a superb and highly successful Director.

“He has demonstrated outstanding leadership, management and commercial acumen and, as an accomplished organist, teacher and musician in his own right, he has brought considerable ability, insight and understanding to the post.

“While we are naturally sorry to see him go, we are profoundly grateful for everything he has done for the College, and delighted to wish him all the very best in his retirement.”

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